Upon importing a solution containing a Sandbox plugin assembly, or registering an assembly in Sandbox mode, the following error is thrown:
Exception retrieving custom activity info using SandboxPlugin – Unhandled exception: Exception type: Microsoft.Crm.CrmException Message: Unable to retrieve customActivityInfo using RetrieveCustomActivityInfoWithSandboxPlugin. at Microsoft.Crm.Workflow.ObjectModel.CustomActivityInfoMetadataBase .GetCustomActivityInfo(ActivityInfo activityInfo, Int32 isolationMode, Guid pluginAssemblyId) — End stack trace —
Registering in ‘none’ mode works fine.
Sandbox assembly registration takes too long and fails with the above message. In addition, a buried Windows event log entry indicated that the Sandbox service cannot communicate with other server nodes.
Checking communication between the frontend and backend (hosting the Sandbox service) servers indicated a network block. One of the following quick tests could be used to check for a block:
- Telnet
- Telnet must be enabled/allowed on the server
- Open a command line from inside the frontend server
- Enter the following: telnet <backend-ip-address> 808
- Notice the space between the IP address and the port
- TCP Ping: here
- Try to ping the backend IP address and port 808 from the frontend server
Remove or resolve whatever is causing the blocked connection.
Possible causes:
- Windows firewall on either servers
- Security software firewall on either server
- Network switch rule between the servers
- The Sandbox service itself stops for some reason
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